The Power of Color

A couple of months ago we decided it was time to replace the two sofas in our family room. Our kids and their friends had pretty well worn them right out.

We browsed through a few furniture stores, found what we liked, and ordered our two new sofas. Wouldn't you know... they were too large and wouldn't fit through the doors - dang! We had to go back out and find another set of sofas.

A couple of weeks later the new sofas were delivered and they actually fit - yeehaw! I shouldn’t have been surprised when my wife announced that she needed to find a bunch of new pillows for each of the sofas. She said we needed the “fun colored” pillows to help the sofas feel more inviting. The colors would tie the sofas to the paint, the carpeting, and the rest of the room’s furnishings.

Bingo. The reaction from friends and family confirms that she was exactly right. We’ve even had a few people ask if they could copy us and buy the same sofas and pillows for their home. It’s pretty clear... the “fun colored” pillows made the sofas, and the room come alive.

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